Final animated film made at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema at Concordia University
in Montreal. A film about solitude in different spaces and how we are brought together in many ways,
even if we don't know it.
Walk cycle animated in TV Paint, focusing on secondary animation and mood expressed
in walk.
Walk cycle done with puppet pins and parenting in After Effects, part of a character
design project.
Video taken in my neighborhood in Montréal, animation done in TV Paint, composited
in After Effects.
Background painted in Procreate, particles composited and animated in After Effects.
Using After Effects, I made a short infographic animation about Susan Kare and her
typographic contributions to the world.
First year film made at Concordia University.
Made during my second year at Concordia University, I interviewed important women in
my life and made an animated documentary with the cut-down audio.
A group film made in my second year at Concordia University, in collaboration with
Camille Verreault and Kathleen Tuck.